Just got back from eating a bowl of New England Clam Chowder, Ravioli, and
a Boston cream puff at the Faneil Market, but I should also mention I just finished
taking my nice warm shower where I've been mostly drenched with rain all day
despite my rain jacket, pants, long johns. My shoes were soaking wet. Almost
like in LA when it rains, because when it rains in LA it floods! But then in
LA there isn't a crazy wind blowing pelting rain into you. And I think in LA
I at least had an umbrella, but then it wasn't much use if I had one today.
All along the streets were abandoned umbrellas. Even those strong golf umbrellas
broke. So ya, I guess this is what I have to go through if I live over here.
At least I didn't see any snow storms that I was expecting to try over here.
so actually
I should begin from my adventures during finals week, since, while most people
were studying for finals, I was out visiting LA.
I think
he's thinking the same thing as me...wth am I doing in Boston while most of
my friends in LA are out enjoying the beach, and I'm here on the worst weather
conditions of my break walking doing the Freedom Trail, and weather conditions
are suppose to be crazy! Oh well. You know me, I always think too much.
you see dead people? Well Boston is know for it's old historical American history,
well like the fading on these tombstones so is American history. Yah, I was
the only weirdo, walking the graveyards in the rain.
look, it's Paul Revere's tombstone. Gee just think about his important job,
or how many bad things could have occured. Imagine how dependent we are on cars,
all Revere had was a trusty horse. Well I hope it was reliable.
Imagine joining the old American Navy, carrying canon balls in the dark, living
out in the sea. What luxuries we have today.
Here's a picture of my wet shoes! Actually if you look closely it's the Charles
river. I was so scared walking over this bridge and looking below me that here's
only a steel wire fence flooring. What if I slipped, or what if the wire suddenly
rusted and I fell out down into the river. All I could tell myself is don't
look down.
Here's me heading back into foggy wet downtown Boston.
ya I forgot to mentioned, I did finish walking the entire Freedom trail in the
But I still had like 3 hours to chill, so I decided to visit the Museum of Science.
Gee aren't I a nerd, visiting a museum on my spring break.But hey
don't you see a similarity, yes that guy in the background looks so much like me! j/k